Last week we heard St. Paul saying that he was all things to all people. This week, we hear that he tried to please everyone. To modern ears, that sounds more like a used car salesman, who has just the right deal for any buyer. But that wasn’t what Paul meant. The key to Paul’s way of life is the last line of the second reading: “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.” (1 Cor 11:1)
Remember when Paul was still Saul, the Jew who persecuted Christians? When he was struck by lightning he heard, not thunder, but the voice of Jesus, who asked why Saul was persecuting him. Paul later began to understand that all Christians make up the body of Christ. As members of that body, we can show others what Jesus is like, by our example. That seems to be a two part process.
First, to show Christ, we have to know Christ. We can do that by reading the scriptures and praying with them. We can receive the sacraments regularly, especially Reconciliation, where we experience his forgiveness and love, and the Eucharist, where Jesus unites himself with us, so that we can become more like him.
The second part is acting like Jesus. If we want people to see Christ in us, we don’t dress like him, or grow a beard. We have to do things as Jesus would: Forgive people who hurt us, care for the sick, the dying, the poor. Don’t be afraid to tell people what God has done for you; encourage others to be grateful for what God has done for them. Pray with people who have difficulty talking to God.
Paul obviously didn’t please everyone, or he wouldn’t have ended his life in prison. He was more interested in pleasing God by spreading the Good News of Jesus’ resurrection. If we can imitate Paul in that way, we can’t go wrong.
Tom Schmidt.