Dear Friends at Most Blessed Sacrament,
Over the last year and a half, you have been most generous in opening up St. Peter’s for the Newman Center Sunday morning Mass. We have been grateful for the space, which was very much needed, especially during the early stages of the pandemic. Thank you for your warm and hospitable welcome!
As we have prayed and discerned, we have decided that it is time for our Sunday morning Mass to return to campus, where we hope and pray it will be more easily accessible to students. Starting in the spring semester, our morning Mass will again meet at the Newman Center. We also have the opportunity to hold our evening Mass at the student union. We ask for your prayers as we make these adjustments. Please pray that these changes will help us to reach more students with the good news of God’s love.
Due to the size of our new Sunday Mass venues, these Masses will need to be devoted for students. We will miss all of you who have shared in the 11:07 am Mass with us. Thank you for your kindness and support! We hope, on occasion, to offer some special opportunities to worship together with the Oshkosh Catholic community. We will share those with you as they arise.
Again, we are grateful for your welcome and for your support of the ministry and mission of the Newman Center!
To Jesus through Mary,
Fr. Zach Weber