There is no price tag on the Mass, however, it is customary to give an offering (usually around $20) when requesting a Mass for an intention. That said, money should never be the reason for deciding against this beautiful tradition. Simply make your request known and talk with a priest who will make sure that a Mass is able to be said if your financial situation does not allow for a donation. It doesn't have to be a large sum.
Though we often think of having a Mass said for those who have passed away, Masses can be offered for those who are still alive. The Council of Trent says that Mass may be said "for the living and the dead, for sins, punishments, satisfactions, and other necessities." In other words, if you know someone who could benefit from the spiritual graces that come with having a Mass said on their behalf, there is no need to delay in doing so.
Again, most people remember to have a Mass said for the death of a loved one and a few may think to have a Mass offered for a special intention or friend who is suffering, but rarely do we think of having a Mass offered for a celebration! Is there a better way to show our gratitude to God? Masses can be said for birthdays, anniversaries, in celebration of the reception of the sacraments, or for prayers that have been answered!
St. John Paul II emphasized the graces that come when a Mass is offered. "The Church believes that she will be heard, for she prays in union with Christ her Head and Spouse, who takes up this plea of His Bride and joins it to His own redemptive sacrifice."
Arranging a Mass for a special intention is easy. Simply contact a Catholic church in the community where you would like to have the Mass celebrated, or contact our parish office if you would like the Mass said at MBS.
(920) 231-9782 • [email protected]
Sometimes you may be able to pick a specific day to have the Mass celebrated for your intention, but at times you may have to accept whatever date is available.
You will receive a Mass card from the parish with the time, date and church name where the Mass will be offered. If the Mass is for someone else, or for a friend who has died, you can give the Mass card to that person (or to the family of the deceased) so they know when the Mass will be offered for them.
Don’t forget to mark down the details on your own calendar so that you can attend the Mass, and remember to offer your own prayers for your intention on that day.
Read more: Why Do Catholics Pray for the Dead?