Giving of your time IS parish stewardship! One hour of service to your parish bi-monthly could significantly increase parish family fellowship opportunities, help others grow closer to Christ, and support individuals in need within our parish community.
To talk to someone about how you can serve - in one of the areas of current need or somewhere else that better fits your gifts - contact the parish office (920) 231-9782 or [email protected] or fill out the Volunteer Interest Form.
Current Opportunities Include:
Altar servers and greeters (open to youth 7-17):
Altar Servers have the special opportunity to be within a short distance of the Tabernacle of Jesus and assist the Priest and Deacon within the sanctuary space during parish worship. Greeters are the face of the church and assist people as they enter for parish worship, meeting individuals that enter our worship spaces with joy and hospitality. Anyone interested in either area of ministry will be provided with one-on-one training and informational resources that will assist them with understanding the purpose of the ministry and allow them to find fulfilment through the ministry.
Food and drink servers for events or funerals:
Test the waters of food service and hospitality by being the hands that serve others at our parish events or at our parish funeral luncheons. You will find joy in knowing that the people you are serving are incredibly grateful for your generosity. Strong folks to lift and move event supplies: Many of our parish events require the transport of supplies which requires lifting, bending, and carrying items to and from different locations. If you find physical labor gives you energy, fills you with purpose, and allows you to get in those necessary daily steps, please call our parish office to assist with an upcoming event. Bakers and cooks for parish events: If you find yourself spending time in the kitchen mixing up new flavors or diving into recipes, MBS parish could use your talent! Bring those delicious desserts, salads, and meals to our parish events and allow our parish community to try a bite. There are many individuals with hungry bellies that would be very gracious of you for sharing your yummy dishes.
Friendly voices for parish connection phone calls:
Have you found yourself wondering where that individual that used to sit next to you at your favorite Mass time went? It’s time to find out. Help our parish by calling individuals within our parish family and checking in on their household, finding out what household needs they may have, and providing support with words of encouragement and relevant resources. Anyone interested in this area of service would be provided with one-on-one training.
Prayer ministers:
Help our parish by encouraging others through prayer ministry and allowing God to use you as a vessel for healing for people within our parish community. Prayer ministers assist as intercessors (praying for others and their intentions), leaders, and scribes within a 2- or 3-person prayer team setting. Anyone interested in helping others through this service would be provided training, formation, resources, shadow opportunities, and support from other prayer ministers.
Set up and decorating aids for events:
If you feel accomplished by organizing a room or have a knack for creating a warm and inviting environment (at home, within your work space, at school, or anywhere) that others have stated makes them feel welcomed and appreciated, join our parish relationship team by assisting with decorating for events. You choose the amount of time you’d like to commit to this parish service and supplies would be provided to you. Let your creativity flow, call our parish office today!