The Parish Stabilization Team - formed by Fr. Jerry during the initial days of the pandemic last March - has been tasked with helping Father and the staff focus on ongoing operations as move beyond crisis mode and into long term planning for the mission roadmap which was presented at the parish annual meeting.
The Parish Pastoral Council has been restructured to support this mission roadmap and will be re-engaging in the coming month to assist in developing and implementing a strategic plan to help move our parish forward in the 4 key mission areas identified in our Mission Planning Roadmap.
The Parish Council reflects a representative model, and the group is a working group. Each council member is assigned to co-lead and/or assist the appropriate staff person in one of the mission areas.
We are currently looking for parish council members who are interested in helping our parish bear measurable fruit in the following areas:
Evangelization & Discipleship (with Shannon Ausloos)
including Discipleship Nights, Missionary Disciple Formation, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, RCIA, Sacramental Preparation, etc.
Liturgy & Encounter (with Liturgy Team)
including liturgical music & environment, liturgical ministers, hospitality, adoration, prayers & devotions, new encounter initiatives, etc
Pastoral Outreach (with Laurie Pollack)
including Care Ministry, ministry to the homebound, St. Anne Clinic, Warming Shelter, healing prayer ministry, etc
Parish Operations (with Tracey Domiter)
including buildings & grounds, communications, human resources, office management, etc
If you have experience or gifts in any of these areas that you would like to share with our parish community, or if you have a passion for helping our parish grown and bear fruit, please contact either the appropriate staff member or Kristin Bird at kristin.bird@