Father Jerry, in consultation with the parish staff and leadership, has identified four key areas of focus for both stabilization and evaluation as we continue to move through the effects of the pandemic: Sacraments, Communications, Mission & Outreach, Finances and Buildings. Each month we'll provide a mission update to one or two of those areas on how we're doing working toward his goal: to more strongly each of these key focus areas to our parish mission.
Encountering Jesus in the Eucharist + Living the Gospel + Bringing Others to Christ
Sunday Mass attendance has fluctuated between 200 and 300 people over the past 2 months, and it is declining with the recent spike in COVID cases in our area. Between 60-100 devices view the Sunday Mass video at some point during the week with 30-40 devices logging in to pray with us live.
We are waiting for the last component to arrive to complete the installation of the video cameras and computer system that will allow us to remove the laptop sitting in front of the altar and provide us more options for how we can engage and connect with those joining us from home.
Advent & Christmas: The Liturgy Team is working diligently to plan for our Advent and Christmas celebrations this year. We will be communicating the schedules, information, and volunteer needs in the coming weeks.
Sacramental Preparation has begun for 10 children who will be receiving First Reconciliation and First Eucharist this year. Two teenagers have requested the Sacrament of Confirmation and are currently preparing with mentors (this sacrament is usually offered every other year). Families can request a sacrament for any member (adult or child) by reaching out to our parish.
Healing Prayer Ministry is expanding to be offered after all weekend Masses. The prayer team is also coordinating with the Day by Day Warming Shelter and St. Anne Clinic to develop a plan for praying with and offering spiritual accompaniment for the guests as they desire.
We had our first Discipleship Night of the year earlier this month. 19 families logged in to participate live and another 15 watched the video recording on our YouTube Channel. Families sizes and situations gathered virtually to share about what changes (good & bad) the pandemic brought to our homes, to pray together, and to plan for how we can live more intentionally in the coming months. Those resources are available to any family online.
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) kicked off in September. 10 children ages 3-6 gather on Sunday afternoon and Tuesday mornings in our new atrium. CGS provides children a sacred space to hear the Good News, encounter Jesus and prepare for full participation in our Catholic community.
We have also also launched our new Intentional@home initiative. You can learn more about that initiative by visiting the Intentional@home Online Connection Center or stop by our Intentional@Home Connection Center in the back of church.