Our parish's current Secretary Trustee, Kristin Bird, has reached the end of her 2 year term. Kristin was elected in 2022.
It is time to elect our Parish Secretary Trustee for the next two fiscal years. This person should be an active and responsible missionary disciple from our parish who can serve as an advisor and counselor. The Trustee is part of the corporate board, serves on the Finance council, and via the Parish Pastoral Council assists the pastor in implementing the mission, establishing goals that witness to Gospel values, and developing the parish as a community
Father will have information about the nominees for the parish to consider at Masses in November and elections will take place the weekend of November 18 & 19
Wisconsin state law requires that the trustee be elected by the members of the congregation. The term of office is two years. There is no legal limit to the number of terms a trustee may serve.
Ten registered Parishioners over the age of 18 must support and sign the nomination of a candidate. Fill out the nomination form below and get 10 signatures. Then submit your nomination form to the parish office no later than Thursday, November 2, 2023.