What is the Tree of Life? Anyone that chooses to participate in this event will be able to spiritually adopt a baby in danger of abortion. After all Masses this weekend (October 2 & 3, 2021), participants will choose a cupcake revealing the gender of the baby, blue for a boy or pink for a girl. You will have the opportunity to name the baby, write the baby's name on a leaf, and place the leaf on the Tree of Life at the Pro-Life Table.
Not able to attend Mass this weekend? You can still participate! Just contact the parish office to get more information • (920) 231-9782
What do I do next?
For nine months, you are encouraged to pray for your adopted baby (and his or her parents) every day, protecting the child from abortion. You will receive monthly email notifications on the development of the baby along with prayer suggestions.
In June (nine months from now), leading up to the child's birth, the parish will hold a baby shower.
Baby shower donations will be placed into the baby bassinet located at each parish site. Donated items will be given to Bella Medical Center as a blessing to a new mother or father who is expecting a child.
We all will continue to pray that one day we all will be able to meet the children whose lives are spared through our prayers, and spend eternity with them in Heaven.