We look forward to hosting our second Women of Faith event! Our theme for this year's events is "Welcoming Mary into Our Lives." Join us for a guest speaker and witness talks about the role Mary has in leading us into a deeper friendship with her Son, Jesus.
Registration 7-7:55 am Adoration with Confessions (optional) 7:05 am-8 am Mass 8 am Breakfast 8:45 am Talks 9:15 am Small-group discussion 9:45 am Close by 10:30 am
To help cover the costs of the event, we will be collecting a free will offering (cash or checks payable to St. Raphael) at the event. The approximate cost per person to host this event is about $15. We thank you for giving what you are able. All are welcome, regardless of ability to contribute! If you are able to give extra to help cover the costs, that is most appreciated too.